Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

One Thanksgiving holiday when I had just moved out of the house I was asked to make pies and bring them for the Thanksgiving feast. Well, I lived some 30 minutes from home and I was poor. I had a car but nothing to carry those pies in without them slipping and sliding all over the front seat. I didn't want to mess up the pies so I thought. I tried to think of a way to keep those pies from slipping and sliding all around. Then I remembered something, a trick my dad had done while I was growing up to transport large pots of soup to the families in our community.

So I went into the house and wet a towel and rung it out really good. Went outside and laid that towel down on the floor board of the car and put those pies on top of it. When I had gotten to home my dad came out to greet me. He noticed that towel when he reached for the pies.

"What sailor have you been sacking up with?" He questioned me (Oh... btw, I was still a virgin at this time).

With wide eyes, I asked. "What? Why would you ask me that?"

He said, "Only sailors know that trick with the wet towel."

I smiled. Because my dad and I have a good relationship and I can tease him and get away with it (Oh the stories I can tell you of how we go at it... they are too funny at times!!!) I said to him, "You're the only sailor I know and I learned that from you."

He blushed and with a small chuckle all he could say was 'Oh.'

I grew up in a military type family but my dad was retired the Coast Guard before I was born. Once you're in the military you never seem to ever leave. My dad and brother and younger sister all served and grew from the experience. They talk about what they did, where they went and how they enjoyed their friends. Military leaves it's mark on those who serve be during a time of war or a time a peace. And all those I know who serve or have served do so with pride and to me it is an honor to know them.

I don't view Memorial Day as a day to honor those who passed on while serving our country. But to all those who have served, who do serve, who will serve, live or dead. They are the true heroes of this country! They are the ones who deserved more then just one day to remember them.

To all those who served in the military my thoughts are with you today!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Parents Be Proud Of Your Children

I did it!

Continuing on with my car saga, I have done it! I found a car, within reason, with only $1000 down (Oh... the car payments are higher than I want though), and it's a 2005. It shouldn't break down in the next year... OR SO!!!!

With all the issues that have been going on with the cars I feel it has totally consumed my life! Well it has! So much so that the first place who denied me (because of my length at the job) wanted a cosigner. I immediately emailed my dad and asked. Well... I know better! I know if I can't do it on my own then it doesn't need to happen.

Later that night I called my dad and said...

"I have discovered that there is more then one way to skin a cat." (Old saying please don't get grossed out on me ~ I grew up with old parents, dad is 75)

He starts laughing... "Oh?" He said.

"Yup. When there is a will there is a way and I have discovered that I can skin a cat several different ways today."

"What happen?"

"I got my car and the financing."

Now let me point out something here... Divorce = Bankruptcy. I'm trying my damnedest to not go there. And I've done a very good job. To help build my credit free from my loser ex I have done several things that have just my name on them. Like buy a house... and now a car.

Continuing with my dad.

"Ah! That's great news!" He says. I can hear the happiness in his voice. "See there, everything works out."

"I know they do, Dad. I just have to keep my perspective straight. I did that! You'd be proud!" I teased him laughingly.

"I have always been very proud of you, Alia."

This hit me hard last night! I finished up the conversation but those words never left my thoughts. Here I am, a woman, single now with three kids. I have had a failed marriage, a troublesome teenager, a failed business, and I fear rejection in the worst way. I feel very lonely and very depressed... way too often. I feel often times a failure.

And yet, my dad is proud of me.

The feeling that rushed through me was one that I can't explain. It's very different from the feelings I feel when I hear the words "I love you." They aren't just the same. I felt myself beam with pride that I'm not viewed as a failure to my dad. And he's a tough man to make happy. He served in the military for 20 years, owned his own business for many more years, what ever hobby he started he perfected with ease and he's proud of me...

As a daughter of a man, this was the best thing the man could have ever given me in my life right now. Even more so then cosigning for a car.

As a mother of children, I won't hesitated to let my children know that I'm very proud of them. So to all parents out there, I strongly recommend that you tell you kids how proud you are of them. If you don't see them... write them a letter. Despite how much trouble they might be or get into, let them know! I can't tell you the wonders it has done for me...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

It has happened...

It has happened...

The other day the IT guy came into our office to fix and maintain our computers. Nice guy but a bit of nerd. I mention to him that my ex had called me a nerd. Much to my surprise I had never thought of myself as one. Well... explained the 'ex' you love math, I wear glasses (actually contacts), I love to read, especially Scifi and fantasy stories... and the list goes on and on about how I qualify as a nerd. My mouth gapped open as each quality was listed. When he was done, I simply took his intended insult (not that I¡¦m offend by being a nerd, I'm not. It was his intent to try cruel to me once again) and merely replied, 'Well...' I said with an evil grin. 'I am the sexiest nerd you will ever lay eyes on.' With that he smiled and mumbled unaudible words as he walked off. I still to this day don't know what he said, nor do I care. I was right and that's all that matters.

Anyways back to the story at hand. I told the IT guy this leaving out the sexiest nerd part. He smiled at me and said...

'I have this brother.'

I cross my brow.


'I have a brother I think you might be interested in dating.'

'How do you figure?'

'Well, he's single and you're single.¨

I smile knowing exactly how to get out of this one.

'I have three kids.'


'Wow! Three kids?'

'Two (his face warped), nine (a puzzled look now), and a 14 year old girl (his jaw flew open at that one).'

'Well,' He squirmed I love it! 'He just finished raising his step kids.' (How old is this guy? 60 or so? Sorry but I do have an age cap! 59 the oldest at least.)

'It's okay.' I tell him gently. 'I'm not looking for anything but sex.' Sorry I didn't say that but it's what I was thinking and wanted to say to tease him. I said, 'It's okay. I'm not dating at the moment.'

I remember when I was married and I crossed path with a good looking guy I would always tell him about my sister that was single and good looking trying hard to be a match maker even though neither one would were interested in dating. It seems that all married couples have this hidden agenda for single people to get them married off¡K or at least see them attached to someone.


So there it is, it finally happen. The tables have turned on me and now I¡¦m that single woman that every married person believes needs 'help' with finding a mate. *shudders*

I think not!

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Boyfriend???

Driving home today with Ariel from the store. I started to complain about Barry not taking stuff from the garage that was his. It's trash but I don't want to deal with it and it does belong to him. After my complaint I said "He needs to find a girlfriend." Ariel said, "You need to find a boyfriend."


The child who thinks I'm evil for talking to another man wants me to live with someone so we can make it financially. Now if that doesn't make me feel like a whore I don't know what will.