I've Been Stressed Lately
I'm sorry to do this to all of you but the woes of my life have made me extremely stressed out lately and I've been very angry. Every little thing has set me off, from bad slow stupid drivers to sitting is this hard chair wondering when I can take a nap (I can't because I have to clean my house).
When I look at my life I just shake my head. No wonder why I'm stressed out.
1) My house closes escrow on Tuesday. It's suppose to on Tuesday. I have a court order saying that it has too on Tuesday by 5pm. Because I sued the previous owner for going back on a contract to sell it to me at a set price. (Hint: Don't mess with a business woman) Well... escrow might not close until Wednesday. But of course I didn't find this out until Friday evening long after my attorney's office is closed. I was suppose to sign papers on Friday... well... it's Sunday and I haven't seen the notary YET! Yes, I've called. The papers were sent to the wrong place and he can't get ahold of them... YET! *sobs*
2) My ex. Do I need to say more?
Well, he had his sister in law interrogate my only real friend the other day. They are 'concern' about my finances and were wondering how I'm going to make the house payment. I knew the bastard wanted me live dirt poor so I would have to crawl back to him. GGGgggggrrrrrrr
I made a phone call. One phone call. It's all it took.
I think what really makes me angry about that whole thing is he left me with the house and all of it's issues and bills. He shut off all the bills and utilities that were in his name not giving me time to switch things over into my name. He lied to my clients and I lost half my business in less than 2 weeks. In February I earned at total of $500. *sobs*
I have made it through all of that and now he wants to know how. I'm convinced that he wants to know how to mess me up again.
3) My house is a mess.
Minor thing, but I'm a clean freak. White glove and everything. Working out of the house has really taken it's toll on my house and yesterday I saw a bug. I hate bugs. So today I cleaned with bleach. I have all hardwood floors so they are now sterile.
4) It's hot here.
5) I have three kids. I will give you their ages because it stresses me out... 14, 9, and 2. Yup that's right a 2 year old. He isn't my stress though... the 14 year old just graduated from 8th grade this last week. I'm so very proud of her. Very proud!!! She graduated with a 3.8 gpa. I'm very proud!!! But at her graduation I had to see evil and her son (my ex). I didn't talk to evil but I had to the ex. and I survived. but it was stressful.
6) Bills
God I owe! Everyone and their grandmother.
7) My mouth hurts.
This is a big one. Several bloggers on IM know that I have broken two teeth because of my stress, I clinch my jaw when I stress. One of the two teeth became absesed so I went to the denist (I had to pay for it... at the time I didn't have health care, I do now. For the last 4 days. )and he said to me (as he rubbed up against me) that I needed to have two root canals. Okay I tell him. "But only one hurts please give me something for it." He poked around and did something to the one that didn't hurt, never has hurt, not even when I broke it did it hurt. It has hurt that day since. I mean serious pain. The other tooth healed and stopped hurting but the other one that never hurt. OMG... we are talking serious pain. I said that once before didn't I? I can't eat without having to take some Tylenol and codiane that the denist gave me... it had no effect at all. I'm talking serious pain!!!!!
Monday I'm calling a denist and getting right in.
8 ) I'm moving.
I hate moving.
Okay... I'm not going on about the car issues or the stupid school that my son attends, nor how my blood pressure is way too high (I'm way too young to have this issue).
This is where I start thinking about drinking. No... I won't drink it's not me.
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