Saturday, October 22, 2005

Cleaning Day

I had to laugh at this...

I woke up fairly early this morning. Chatted online with a few friends after I took a shower, and feed the horses. Went shopping for cleaning supplies, picked up my cousin to help me clean the house. Now this isn't a small house, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, livingroom, dining room and a kitchen. With help it still wasn't any easy task. We didn't clean the ceiling fans and didn't wipe down all the doors. But the dusting was done in each room, all the windows cleaned on the inside, both bathrooms spotless and germ free, beds striped and bedding washed, floors vacuumed and mopped, all dusting done... books cleaned and their cases (there's about 5 in the house), TV wiped down, cabinets taken care (dust free), counters cleaned in the kitchen, stove wiped down, dishes done and put away... I even scrubbed on my hands and knees the kitchen floor and then waxed it. I also went through some stuff and either threw it out or stored it away... I hate clutter. Anyways, it was a full day. Very tiring!!! And my wrists hurt from scrubbing. And my eyes burned from the fumes. It was a taxing day.
Well, later that night after I dropped off my cousin (and paid her for her help) I bought dinner, no desire to cook when I've been cleaning all day. I thought I would call my husband to find out how the kids were doing. I really do miss my holy terror and Aaron... So I talk to Barry and I told him that I forgot the dog food... not like I didn't do a million other things today... anyways, I give him the run down of what we did, not nearly to the extent of what I said here. I would have lost him after the second thing. He asked me, after a minute, why I hadn't gone grocery shopping. :|


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