Sunday, August 21, 2005


I think it's rude and disrespectful to interrupt someone when they're talking. Several important people in my life do this on a continual basis... The last time it happen I cried. It hurt. Not only are they showing me that their not listening to me and how I feel but their thoughts are above mine. My husband is notorious for this and I asked him why? He told me... Because if I let you talk then I forget and I need to get it out right then and there... But it's rude and shows me you don't respect me... 'that's not the case' he argued with me, 'I just need to say what's on my mind'... Of course I could continue the battle but I choose not too... I choose to keep quiet about that issue, but my eyes teared up and I knew things would never change unless I took control of my life. If I can not talk freely in my own house then you must leave. If I am constantly interrupted because you don't value my words then you don't respect me. If you don't respect me then how will the kids treat me? I contribute to this home... To this family... I expect to be treated as an equal member of it... If you can't respect me and value my words then leave. I don't want any part of someone who disrepects me.


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